Your Website Design Lowdown

Designing and maintaining a website can be tricky to do by yourself especially when trying to stay up on the technology changes and trends. Technology and looks are always evolving, and it is important for your business to have a website that is up to date and that does not fall behind. Don’t fret, that […]

Subject Matter Expert –> Website Content

website content

The phrase “subject matter expert” has been around for quite a while, and it is still relevant. On your website, this translates into what we call content. So let’s talk about website content … Your website pages may change once in a while, but hopefully, you have blog posts that keep getting added to your […]

Website Lingo

website design

Understanding website lingo can help you best convey your goals for your website to your developer. Here are some words/phrases as well as file types that you may find helpful. Favicon The favicon is a tiny icon located in your web browser’s tab. In our example, it is in the top left corner to the […]

3 Ways to Make Your WordPress Website Better

A Better Wordpress Website

A popular question I receive … what’s one thing I can do to make my WordPress website better? You’re in luck because I’m going to give you three! 😊 1. Get ADA Compliant This may sound more difficult than it is, but thankfully, companies like UserWay provide WordPress sites with a simple plugin. Your big […]

The Design Process from Start to Finish

Here at Juice, we love what we do. Sometimes, after receiving final designs, our clients say the whole process worked like magic. They told us what they wanted, we went to work, and an excellent design appeared. We love the enthusiasm but have to confess that we actually have a time-tested and client-approved process in […]

Now is the Time to Work on Your Website

In today’s new environment, now is the time to work on your website. You may have many projects on the back burner thinking, One day I will have time to focus on these. For many, their website is one of those projects, and this may be the case for you as well.  We will cover […]

A Blog About … Blogs

A blog is a great business tool. When done well, your business’s blog will address the needs of your clients through timely and applicable posts. It can reach potential clients and consistently draw attention to all you offer. When your blog continues to provide excellent content, others begin to look to you as an expert […]

Prevent the “Not Secure” Website Message

Important Changes with Google Chrome In Google Chrome’s 68 release, they will mark any website that isn’t SSL secured with the message “not secure.” I know when I see that “not secure” message, I’m concerned and definitely do not want to brave moving forward. So let’s make sure your visitors feel safe when using your […]

4 Musts Before Building Your WordPress Website

When it’s time to build a WordPress website for your company, there are many things to plan for and consider. Here are four key items to keep in mind … 1) Know Your Rounds of Revision It’s important to know what your website developer’s policy is regarding rounds of revisions. The key reason there is […]

Web Design: Above the Fold

Debates abound on what goes “above the fold” on a website. The first question: where is the fold? Ahh … the fold moves based on the device you are viewing the site, and if you’re on a desktop or laptop, how large you have your browser screen. So it’s obviously a moving target! But, what […]